Our Services
The Total Care System
The Total Care System designed to not only get you out of pain but also prevent the possibility of future reoccurrences. The Total Care System involves the combination of joint mobilization (chiropractic adjustments), soft tissue restoration (Active Release Technique), and movement re-education (rehabilitation exercises). This is the only way to completely fix biomechanical conditions.
Soft tissue restoration
Active Release Technique (A.R.T.)
A non-invasive treatment system precisely engineered to locate and quickly resolve soft-tissue disorders.
A.R.T. is defined as, “a patented state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.” This means that we draw tension into (or around) the unhealthy tissue and then stretch the tissue, whereby pulling apart any abnormal adhesions that are contributing to the dysfunction.
This is important because muscles connect to bones, and 2 bones form a joint. If there is dysfunction in the joint, often, there is dysfunction in the muscle(s). We believe that unhealthy muscles create unhealthy joints.
Adhesions or scar tissue in the muscles can not only create a lack of stretch or flexibility of the muscle but can also create a weakness within the muscle. This weakness develops because muscle fibers must be able to move alongside one and other in order to contract a muscle. If there is an adhesion or scar tissue in the muscle, the movement of those muscle fibers will be limited.
A.R.T. is specifically utilized to restore health to muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.
joint mobilization
Chiropractic Adjustments
A non-invasive treatment system precisely engineered to locate and quickly resolve joint disorders.
According to Wikipedia, chiropractic is defined as, “a form of alternative medicine that focuses on diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the belief that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system.” In layman’s terms this means that chiropractors find, and correct, abnormal body movements, especially in the spine, in order to improve nerve function and therefore general health.
We also believe that the chiropractic adjustment is effective in normalizing joint mechanics. But, contradictory to the Wikipedia definition, we believe that this normalization of joint motion is the benefit, not only its effect on nerve function.
We utilize manual techniques, SOT Blocks, as well as Activator Techniques to restore normal mechanics to the joints. This means that you don’t need an aggressive adjustment to restore normal mechanics to your joints. We find the appropriate method of treatment that works for you.
Movement Re-Education
Rehabilitation Exercises
A non-invasive treatment system precisely restore normal biomechanics to soft the body after the potential has been created through ART and Chiropractic Adjustments.
The chiropractic adjustments restore normal range of motion to your joints and A.R.T. restores health to your muscles but to bring everything together we need to normalize the function of the affected structures. When there is an injury, your body changes the way it moves to avoid pain. Oftentimes, this alteration of movement causes a secondary dysfunction.
We design individualized rehabilitation exercise programs for our patients to retrain your body how to restore normal mechanics to your movement. These exercises will be implemented early on in your treatment plan to decrease the amount of treatment you will need.
Overall, the Total Care System is designed to create long lasting, permanent changes to your body. Our goal is to get you better as quickly as possible and get you back to optimum health.